Fino al 17.7.2024 Moveable Open Lab ADU/AUD

Fino al 17.7.2024 Moveable Open Lab ADU/AUD

Laboratori progettuali del Secondo semestre 2023-2024. Esami e seminari finali della Sessione estiva, giugno-luglio 2024.

Gli studenti interessati possono accedere alle aule in cui si tengono gli esami e i seminari finali. Pubblichiamo l’elenco delle date d’esame e aule dei laboratori progettuali attivi nel secondo semestre. Alcuni docenti organizzano la sessione in forma di seminario e di esposizione — effimera, che dura poche ore — altri svolgono esami con proiezioni o presentazioni, ma tutto nell’insieme forma il quadro ricco e molteplice del nostro indirizzo di lavoro. L’idea è quella di favorire una maggiore conoscenza trasversale e stimolare la curiosità di quanto viene prodotto nel nostro Corso di Studio, anche a frammenti, in un itinerario non guidato, come una sorta di “moveable feast”.

Second Semester Design Studios 2023-2024. Final exams and seminars of the Summer Session, June-July 2024.

Interested students can access to the classrooms where the final exams and seminars are held. We are publishing the list of exam dates and classrooms for the project workshops that are active in the second semester. Some teachers organise the session in the form of a seminar and exhibition — ephemeral, lasting only a few hours — while others hold examinations with projections or presentations, but all together, they form the richness and multiplicity of our work. The idea is to foster greater cross-curricular knowledge and stimulate curiosity about what is produced in our Study Course, even in fragments, in a free itinerary, as a kind of “moveable feast”.

22.12.2022 | In-between Urban Design for Borderlands. The Gibraltar…

22.12.2022 | The Gibraltar-Algeciras Bay – Thematic Studio C Final Exhibition

Urban design comprehends very different variations according to specific place-based conditions and opportunities. If, on the one hand, in the European context, the main challenge for cities is today to rethink and rebuild their own identities with a view to sustainable urban regeneration, in other contexts such as North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa or the Middle-east the challenges appear to be diverse: from the upgrade of informal settlements and open spaces to the construction of new low-cost residential neighbourhoods, from the significant urban transformations as operations of the international capital, to the care of the historical heritage.

Territories and cities located in the proximity of or across international borders (and thus in-between different political, cultural and urban planning systems, and often between the so-called “Global North” and the “Global South(s)”) have been acting as catalysts of the phenomena and issues mentioned above, including local spatialisations of globalisation, environmental and socio-economic crises. Thus, borderlands appear to be relevant sites to experiment with urban design tools and solutions for a more equal and sustainable spatial development at different scales and set appropriate, inventive, context-specific, and contemporary urban imaginaries.

To this aim, the Thematic Studio adopts as its main terrain of exploration, the Bay of Gibraltar/Algeciras, a cross-border polycentric urban system whose historic and current development is intrinsically linked to two contentious borders: a trans-continental and maritime one (between Europe and Africa) in the Strait of Gibraltar, and a terrestrial one, between Gibraltar (a British Overseas Territory) and Spain.

This complex cross-border metropolitan region appears today under pressure due to a variety of overlapping issues: from the ongoing effects of the Brexit on the local economic and social sphere to the impacts of extensive productive and extractive activities on already vulnerable natural and ecological heritage and communities to the lack of shared basic services and facilities among the municipalities along the Bay, till the lack of an integrated public transport system at the local as well as regional level. All these issues are exacerbated by the absence of a shared planning vision and an effective cross-border governance structure at the metropolitan scale.


01.12.2022 TOTALLY MODERN Architecture and the changing concept of…

01.12.2022 TOTALLY MODERN Architecture and the changing concept of time – Jorg H. Gleiter

What does ‘modern’ mean? And what does ‘classical’ mean?

These are questions that are not or only superficially discussed in the debates of post-modernism, post-humanism, post-colonialism, post-gender and post-ideology. Awareness of the two terms has been lost. Modernity and classicism have degenerated into hollow phrases, into clichés that are used as one sees fit. This is particularly dramatic because both terms are fundamental for understanding human culture and architecture.




Since humankind stands at the cusp of interplanetary civilization, Space Architecture poses a new design challenge across disciplines and scales to architects, engineers and designers in order to sustain human space exploration.

Space Architects are currently committed to actively design novel technologies, tools, and human experiences for enabling a sustainable future on Earth and beyond. Indeed, Space Architecture should bring together design, architecture, engineering, and science to enable transformative visions for space exploration and human spaceflight, while addressing the particular challenges posed by the extreme environment of space—from reduced gravity, to the absence of atmospheric pressure and harming radiation exposure. The access to Artificial Intelligence (AI) codes is becoming more and more democratized also to designers and architects, supporting the generation of new ideas and design concepts.

Space AI-rchitecture could merge the multi-disciplinarity visions of space habitats with AI integrated systems to foster creativity while applying learned knowledge.


9.11-15.12.2022 ARCHILECTURES SERIES – Fall 2022

9.11-15.12.2022 ARCHILECTURES SERIES – Fall 2022

ArchiLectures is a cycle of seminars offered by Visiting Professors of the AUIC School – coming from both the professional environment and from leading academic institutions – and open to all students of all years and programs.

Moreover, on the occasion of the international mobility call, the end of the lectures will be focused on the following Partner Universities: ETSAM, TU BERLIN, CTU PRAGUE. Recommended for students of 2nd and 3rd year of Bachelor programs + 1st year of Master programs.


09.11.2022 BUILT AND FUTURE – Jesus Donaire

09.11.2022 BUILT AND FUTURE – Jesus Donaire

A collection of built houses and future public hybrid buildings. Some of these spanish architectures investigate the idea of working with existing architectural structures, and how the design is determined by them. All projects are presented by a clear and essential structural idea that orders not only the interior spaces but also the urban ones, following the tradition of the School of Madrid (ETSAM).


Christmas OpenLab AUD/ADU – 20 / 12 / 2021

Chiudiamo il semestre e aspettiamo le feste natalizie condividendo con gli studenti dei corsi di Laurea triennale, i lavori del I e II anno del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Architettura e Disegno Urbano. Vi aspettiamo al Christmas Open Lab!

Gli studenti e Docenti di Architettura e Disegno Urbano