Head of Course

Stefano Di Vita

Stefano Di Vita

Untenured researcher legge 240/10 full time
ICAR/21 – Urban Design And Landscape

Deputy Head of the Master Program

Architect and PhD in Urban, Territorial and Environmental Planning, he is a senior fixed-term researcher (RTD-B) in Urban Planning at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU) of the Polytechnic of Milan, where he is a professor at the School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Engineering. Construction (AUIC) and conducts research in the field of urban and territorial planning and design.

With a transscale approach, it studies processes, tools and projects of socio-spatial transformation and regeneration associated with the metamorphoses of productive activities and the renewal and repositioning policies of cities and urban regions in global and local networks: from digital innovation in manufacturing activities and in services and from the evolution of workplaces and production territories, to the organization of events (large and minor, extraordinary and periodic, but in any case understood as recurring episodes of broader trajectories of socio-economic and spatial transition); phenomena and strategies that risk exacerbating conflicts between long and short networks, between main urban nodes and intermediate territories, between territorial polarities and marginal areas, but which can also represent opportunities for experimenting with processes and devices for territorial rebalancing in the complexity of the dynamics urban-regional and territorial governance.


Int.: 9443


Building 14
Via Bonardi
20133 Milano


Professor personal page

Head of Course

Luca Monica

Luca Monica

Full Professor
ICAR/14 – Architecture and Urban Design

Head of the Master Program

Since the beginning didactic activities, research activities and design researches run around the scientific work of Guido Canella, founded on a conception of the spatial expression and the theoretical tradition of the architectural composition elaborated during the Sixties and the Seventies in Italy: the so-called “critica tipologica” of the schools of Milano and Venezia.

Within own personal activity are investigate new operative possibilities starting from the original fundamentals.
These heritage and future perspectives are recognizable in the research and publishing activity: Editor of “Zodiac” (from 1989 to 2001); La critica operativa e l’architettura (2003); Gallaratese Corviale Zen (2008); Il disegno futuro dell’architettura di Guido Canella (2011); Per l’ampliamento dell’Accademia di Brera (2015); Prototipo Dispositivo Tipologia (forthcoming). 
Among the ongoing research issue: The architecture of “prototype” for the interdisciplinary research; The architectures for an extension of the Accademia di Brera at the Farini marshalling field.

He teaches also at the Doctorate program in Architectural Composition, Università IUAV, Venezia.

The personal “histoire d’un dessinateur” (story of a drawer) concerns projects for architecture, interiors, exhibition design, graphic and book design, communication design.
 Among the works, the Monument to the “Barricate” of 1922 in Parma (1997, Luigi Cosenza Prize) and the development of the signage system for the Ferrovie dello Stato, with M.Vignelli (2002), and other projects for railway stations in Italy.


Int.: 5772


Building 15 “G. Muzio”
Via Ponzio 31
20133 Milano


Professor personal page